Photo 5

Bonnie's Barbies Photo Photo2 Photo 3

These are some of my Creations

Very Oriental

The Flame

This Barbies Hair was sooo bad all I could do was cut it off, then use gel and glitter to get it to stand up, that was when the idea hit me for the flaming dress.


This was my very first attempt at  Stripes!

Orange you Beautiful

This one has a short dress with a long attached over skirt. The hat has a hole in it so her hair can stand up through it.

Blue Ruffles

This one was done with a  multi colored blue yarn , first attempt at a double ruffle.


This one is a black yarn with multi colors in it, it's very furry and soft, and a real pain to work with. but I love the effect.

Angel Soft

This one was done with a super thick angora like yarn, the thickness of the yarn is why the collar stood up so well.